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Many of the data used for this research are maintained at the Population Studies Center, University of Michigan. They include several of the surveys conducted in the project countries beginning in 1984. A list of the data resources currently available is given below.

ASEAN Surveys

From the set of surveys sponsored by the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN):

  • 1984 ASEAN Survey of the Elderly: Philippines
  • 1986 ASEAN Survey of the Elderly: Singapore
  • 1986 ASEAN Survey of the Elderly (SECAPT): Thailand

Surveys of the Elderly in Project Countries 1989-1996

  • 1989 Survey of Health and Living Status of the Elderly in Taiwan
  • 1993 Follow-up Survey of the Health and Living Status of the Elderly and Near-Elderly in Taiwan
  • 1996 Survey of Health and Living Status of the Middle Aged and Elderly in Taiwan
  • 1995 Survey of the Welfare of the Elderly in Thailand
  • 1996 Philippine Survey of the Elderly

Other Surveys of Asia

From: Andrews, F. R. and A. I. Hermalin. 2000. “Research Directions in Ageing in the Asia-Pacific Region: Past Present and Future,” in Ageing in the Asia-Pacific Region, Issues, Policies and Future Trends, David R. Phillips, ed., pp. 51-81.